Entertainment Weekly Premieres New Quintron & Miss Pussycat “Do The Raid” Video!
Quintron and Missy Pussycat’s “Do The Raid” is something that would belong right next to “Time Warp” in Rocky Horror Picture Show, but it has more distortion—and plenty of puppets. For over a decade, the New Orleans-based duo have been making psych-heavy rock that’s easy to dance to: In the “Do The Raid” video, Miss Pussycat bops around with her maracas as Quintron flops his hair around to the beat of the music, which sounds a lot like what LCD System was aiming for with 2007’s “Watch the Tapes.”
The puppets, though, who Miss Pussycat makes and frequently performs with, are the video’s real stars. Most are unidentifiable shapes like the one-eyed blob, but there is one adorable panda wearing a bow-tie—no matter how cute they are though, they’re all pretty unruly: The video ends with one of the more colorful puppets setting some sticks of dynamite off.